- Any girl may apply for a campership.
- Families must show there is a need for financial assistance. Need is defined that without financial assistance your camper would not be able to have a camp experience.
- Camperships awarded based on family size and income.
- A minimum deposit of $75 and a Girl Scout membership of $30 are required to register for camp. The camp deposit will be applied to the balance.
- Families may apply for camperships for two (2) sessions of camp per camper. You may apply for a campership even if your camper has received one in the past.
- Families will receive a notification of the campership after they have been awarded. Any remaining balance will be due in late April/early May.
- If you have an outstanding product or camp balance, you may not be eligible to apply for a campership. Please contact the council at customercare@girlscoutsalaska.org before applying.