Want to make this cookie season the best one yet? Check out some of the fun activities and materials for Girl Scouts and volunteers.
Jan 3 - DC24(Digital Cookie) early access for troop leaders
Jan 8 - DC24 open for Girl Scout site set-up
Jan 10 - Virtual Cookie Rally
Jan 12 - Girl Scout Cookie Program Begins!
Jan 30 - Troop Cookie Order (IO) Due!
Feb 23 - Earliest day cookies could begin arriving in Alaska.
March 1 - Cookie Booths Begin!
March 15 - First ACH
April 7 - Last day of cookie booths
April 9 - Last day for troop leaders/ cookie managers to submit rewards orders and make any edits to eBudde
April 12 - Second ACH
May - Estimated time for cookie program rewards to arrive.
Find handouts, posters, videos, and other materials to help you have fun and stay safe as you build your cookie business.
FIND RESOURCESThese resources will help you support Girl Scouts as they run their very own cookie businesses and gain skills essential for success.
FIND RESOURCESDesigned for busy troop volunteers: get started on your Girl Scoutjourney or find answers throughout the troop year.